Self-Care Tips

Clinicians practice self care when they engage in activities that support their physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. Self care can include simple measures and has a significant positive impact on overall health and well-being. Self care also positively impacts clinician productivity, knowledge, and quality of care.

How can clinicians develop a self-care practice? Find the right combination of activities and approaches that work for you and make a conscious habit or routine, then repeat daily and adjust as you like.  Here are some practical tips73:

  • Take frequent breaks to recharge.
  • Get enough sleep, eat healthy and exercise.
  • Connect with other people; create a support system.
  • Make time for fun and play.
  • Give technology a rest and take social media breaks.
  • Do something creative.
  • Learn or try something new each day.
  • Ask for help
  • Listen to music.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Find humor; laugh a lot.
  • Set goals and keep track of your accomplishments.
  • Celebrate your wins.
  • Breathe, meditate and practice mindfulness.
  • Read a good book.
  • Learn to say no.