1. Events
  2. Virtual


Prenatal Drop-In Group / Grupo de Atención Prenatal

Virtual CA

Our Prenatal drop-in groups are a safe place to ask, learn, and receive support from our clinicians, prenatal educators, and from one another. Pregnancy, labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn can be both overwhelming and rewarding while we do our best to do the right things for our growing baby. During our prenatal … Continued

Cooking for Health Academy: Reducing Sugar

Virtual CA

Join us to learn about healthy eating, cooking, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight for you and your family. https://uclahs.zoom.us/j/7132548020#success  


Prenatal Drop-In Group / Grupo de Atención Prenatal

Virtual CA

Our Prenatal drop-in groups are a safe place to ask, learn, and receive support from our clinicians, prenatal educators, and from one another. Pregnancy, labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn can be both overwhelming and rewarding while we do our best to do the right things for our growing baby. During our prenatal … Continued


Academia de Cocina Saludable: Grasas Saludables

Virtual CA

Esta serie hablaremos sobre nutrición, seguridad alimentaria y técnicas de cocina. Aprenda a crear comidas saludables y equilibradas que incluyan frutas y verduras, cereales integrales y fibra, fuentes de proteínas y grasas saludables. En esta sesión hablaremos sobre las fuentes de grasas saludables que pueden ayudar a mejorar nuestros niveles de colesterol "bueno" (HDL) y … Continued


Cooking for Health Academy: Protein Sources

Virtual CA

Did you know that eating healthy protein sources like fish, beans or nuts, may lower the risk of several diseases? In this session, we will discuss the benefits of varying our protein and how to include plant protein foods in our diet. https://uclahs.zoom.us/j/2116507818


Cooking for Health Academy: Whole Grains & Fiber

Virtual CA

Did you know that whole grains are packed with nutrients including fiber, magnesium, iron, and B vitamins? In this session, we will look at what makes a grain a whole grain and how to choose our grain products. Whole grains are full of nutrients that may reduce the risk of heart disease, support a healthy … Continued