Frequently asked questions

about telehealth visits

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can I set up my video visit on my laptop or desktop PC?
    You can set up your video visit on both your laptop or desktop PC.
  2. Can I set up my video visit on my phone?
    Yes, if you have a smart phone such as an iPhone or Android.
  3. Is my video visit secure?
    Yes, your video visit via OTTO Health is fully compliant with privacy laws and is encrypted.
  4. When will my visit begin?
    Your clinician will join as soon as possible after your visit start time (at busy times there may be a short wait.) The live video feed will start once you are both on the call. Please stay on the page. Do not navigate away or close your browser.
  5. What should I do if the video or sound stops working during my visit?
    Try to re-enter the visit through the link. If you are not able to re-enter, a member of your care team will call you to complete your visit over the phone.
  6. What services can I receive during my video visit?
    You can receive prescriptions, referrals, etc. Your provider will determine the different services you need during your video visit.
  7. Can I have a family member join my visit?
    Currently we do not have the capability to incorporate other members. However, we understand the importance of it and are working on it.
  8. Is my video being recorded?
    No, your video visit via OTTO Health does not include a recording function. After the visit, the text chat history and the title(s) of any documents transferred to the patient are stored in a log. The video portion is not kept.
  9. When will I be able to see my provider in person?
    Due to COVID-19, for your safety many visits are via phone or video. Your provider will recommend in-person care if needed.
  10. Who do I contact if I have more questions?
    Call the call center at (310) 392-8636.