Prop 35 and the Fight for Health Equity

October 8, 2024

California’s health care system is in crisis.

Millions of patients across the state – including 500,000 in Venice Family Clinic’s service area alone – may not have regular access to basic health care. And that’s true even for the people who are enrolled in Medi-Cal, like many of our patients are.

Why? Because our state’s leadership has unchecked power to divert revenue intended to pay for health care to non-health care purposes. The result: Medi-Cal is chronically underfunded – and people with limited resources in underrepresented communities pay the ultimate price.

We must do more. Fortunately, we can.

In response to this emergency, Venice Family Clinic has joined an expansive coalition of health care organizations supporting Proposition 35, a ballot measure designed to protect and care for people in need.

Prop 35 guarantees dedicated, ongoing funding for Medi-Cal to make sure everyone has access to primary and specialty care, mental health services and affordable medication. Dedicated funding for Medi-Cal will mean patients at community health centers like Venice Family Clinic will be able to count on comprehensive, coordinated health care for themselves and their families.

“People need to have a medical home,” says Dr. Alexi Pappas, a physician at the Clinic. “Without one, they’re often forced to ignore their health until it’s an emergency.”

Stable funding for Medi-Cal will also allow Venice Family Clinic to expand and do even more – to serve more people and provide more services to meet the need within the communities we serve.

“Medi-Cal is a lifeline for so many of our patients. The difference it makes in our patients’ lives is undeniable,” says Pattie Lopez, our community health insurance manager. “Protecting this program’s funding is critical. It helps us make sure people don’t fall through the cracks.”

How will we pay for this?

Prop 35 will not result in any additional tax burden on individuals or families. Instead, Prop 35 leverages a tax that Managed Care Organizations (health insurance companies) already pay. The two differences between the current system and what Prop 35 will set in place are that:

  1. The tax will be permanent, instead of requiring reauthorization by the state legislature every 3-4 years, and
  2. The revenue this tax raises must be spent on health care and cannot be reallocated to fill other budget gaps.

The health care crisis we are facing will not fix itself.

We urge everyone to vote YES on Prop 35, so people on Medi-Cal can access care, build trust with providers and take back control of their health. With Prop 35, we move closer to a system where access to quality care is not a privilege, but a right. And that can ensure a stronger, healthier future for Angelenos and all Californians.

For Venice Family Clinic’s patients, passing Prop 35 isn’t only urgent, it’s personal.

Jesse Vasquez, a member of our Patient Advisory Council, experienced the tragic consequences of underfunding at the young age of 9–a trauma that galvanized his passionate fight for health equity. Click here to read Jesse’s story in his own words.