New partnership provides affirming support for trans and genderqueer youth in Beach Cities

June 17, 2024

Pablo Orozco-Castro, a licensed clinical social worker on Venice Family Clinic’s behavioral health team, leads a Gender Identity Dialog Group at allcove Beach Cities, as part of our newest partnership in the South Bay.

Orozco teaches mindfulness strategies to manage stress and improve behavioral health outcomes to transgender and genderqueer youth ages 12 to 25.The group incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies that are tailored to address minority stress and respond to how discrimination and judgment become internalized. Venice Family Clinic recently announced a new partnership to provide dedicated mental health care at allcove Beach Cities.

Orozco-Castro collaborates with members of allcove’s youth advisory group to plan the sessions which keeps the topics flexible and centered around issues that are important to the group’s members. “Running this group is a clear way to welcome transgender and genderqueer youth to allcove,” says Orozco-Castro. Providers are already noticing group members opening up and building connections.

“It’s beautiful to see group members find their voices,” says Orozco-Castro, “I’m excited to see what comes next for this dynamic group.”