Meet some of the people we’ve vaccinated against COVID-19

July 14, 2021

Since Venice Family Clinic began providing COVID-19 vaccines earlier this year, we have been gathering stories from our patients and community members who have gotten their shots from us. From line cooks to housekeepers, and more recently children ages 12 and older, people have had various reasons for getting vaccinated. But one thing has been a constant: The desire to get back to the lives they lived before the pandemic, which can be accomplished only by getting the vaccine. 

Meet some of the people we’ve had the honor of vaccinating.


Raul Flores Jr.

Raul Flores Jr. got his second dose at Carson High School, where we provide COVID-19 vaccines once a week. He works as a line cook at a local restaurant. Initially getting vaccinated wasn’t a priority for him, but his fellow line cooks, who are older than he is, asked him to get it. “I have other stuff to worry about, like looking for a job, keeping a job, going to school and supporting my family,” he said. Raul had been taking precautions during the pandemic to help protect his family members, especially his grandmother who lives with him. Now that he has gotten vaccinated, he feels more at ease but will continue to wear a mask to help protect his family.


Jose Soltero and son

Jose Soltero accompanied his middle school-age son to receive his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. His son is looking forward to being able to hang out with his friends, go back to school and not have to wear a mask anymore. Jose’s daughter has also been vaccinated. “We trust the science and the experts,” Jose said. “Now that both my children are vaccinated, I feel relief that my family will be fully protected. And we’re not only protecting ourselves, but other people as well.”


Olida Galindo

Olida Galindo has been a patient at Venice Family Clinic for six years. She works in Malibu cleaning houses and got her COVID-19 vaccine from our mobile clinic van at the Malibu Community Labor Exchange. She had COVID-19 back in December but thankfully doesn’t have any lingering effects. “I didn’t try to get the vaccine anywhere else,” Olida said. “I prefered to get it from these nurses I already know. Now I can be safe from the virus, be around more people and can have more work.”


Mauricio Rivas

Patient Mauricio Rivas, who was getting his vaccine from our Simms/Mann location, had doubts about getting the COVID-19 vaccine when it first became available. But over time, as he learned more about how the vaccine worked, he became convinced that it was best for him to get it. He waited for the vaccine to become available from his medical home at Venice Family Clinic because “I trust this clinic,” he said.

“I’m happy I have it now, and I’m looking forward to the rest of my family getting it, too,” said Mauricio, whose 70-year-old mother lives in a nursing home. He is hopeful getting vaccinated means he will be able to see his mother again soon.