Whole-Family Care from Cradle-to-Career and Beyond

At Venice Family Clinic, we focus on lifetime physical, emotional and social wellbeing tailored to each individual and grounded in community.

With the Inglewood Crenshaw Children & Family Center, we’re building a new model of care to support families in overcoming negative odds dictated more by zip code than grit or ability.

New Care for 4,000 Inglewood Children, Teens and Families

  • Whole Family Health Care

    We’re bringing new, comprehensive health care to Inglewood, Hawthorne, and Westmont-area families, including: prenatal, well-baby, pediatric, youth, adult, Ob/Gyn, and primary and specialty health care.

  • Free Fresh Food Markets, Housing & Comprehensive Supports

    Patients and community members will have healthy, fresh food through our pop-up markets. Plus, our resource care managers will support patients and families with housing and transportation, as well as other basic needs.

  • Mental Health

    Families and individuals seeking to overcome challenges and improve their relationships will have individual, child, family, group and couples therapy, substance use disorder treatment, and domestic violence counseling. Our Infant Mental Health team will provide home-based therapy for young families dealing with trauma and generational harm.

  • Career Training & Internships

    Parents and teens can build skills, confidence and economic mobility through on-site skills training, internships, and application support for college and jobs. We’re also launching a new doula training pilot where participants can launch their own practices while supporting better birth outcomes for the community.

  • Early Head Start (EHS)

    Children ages 0-3 years and their families will have center-based early care and education, plus prenatal home visitation, playgroups, nutritious meals, health screenings, and special needs support. We also provide housing, transportation, and preschool transition support—and parents can build skills, leadership and economic mobility through education, career training and Policy Council.

  • Playgroups, Classes & Health Education

    Parents and children can play, learn, and build social networks that support early development, decrease social isolation, and increase economic mobility. Teens and adults will explore healthy cooking and exercise classes; stress management and youth wellbeing groups; and parenting, child development, and chronic disease care and prevention workshops.

  • Family Care Teams

    Multidisciplinary teams will ensure all children and families have care tailored to their needs and goals, and families dealing with complex challenges are nested in enhanced supports.

  • Doulas & Lactation Consultation

    Doulas and lactation experts will work hand-in-hand with pregnant parents for healthier, happier births and babies-and fewer disparities in birth outcomes.

Naming opportunities and program investments

Naming gifts available ranging from $25k – $10M
We welcome gifts of all sizes. Every dollar makes a difference.

What’s Standing in the Way of Children’s Success?

We address it all with comprehensive care.

Neighborhoods shape health, success and happiness.

We can do more in southeast Inglewood.

  • 65% of people do not have a medical home (HRSA)
  • 94% 0f babies and toddlers (0-2 yrs.) have no access to center-based childcare (California Dept. of Social Services)
  • “Low” or “lowest” in overall Child Opportunity (link to Child

For more information about this unique center
and opportunity, contact:
Anna Henderson
Director of Individual and Corporate Philanthropy
alhenderson@mednet.ucla.edu or (310) 664-7914